Our Partners - John A. Barton Insurance - Ann Arbor, Michigan - Michigan Center, Michigan | John A. Barton Insurance -Insurance Company - Ann Arbor, Michigan - Michigan Center, Michigan

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Our Partners

About Our Partners

At John Barton Insurance, we believe in the strength of community and the power of partnerships. That's why we're excited to introduce you to our "Our Partners" page — your go-to resource for finding trusted local services and experts. As part of our commitment to providing comprehensive solutions under one roof, we have teamed up with a select group of businesses from our referral network, each sharing our dedication to excellence and community service.

Why Choose Our Partners?

Our partners are more than just businesses; they are part of the extended John Barton Insurance family. Each partner has been carefully selected based on their reputation, reliability, and alignment with our values of honesty and community support. Whether you're looking for home repairs, legal advice, or financial planning, our partners are here to help, ensuring you receive the best possible service while feeling right at home.

Explore Our Partner Directory

Here, you’ll find a detailed list of our preferred partners, complete with descriptions of their services and how they can assist you. Each listing is designed to give you a clear understanding of what our partners offer and how they stand out in their respective industries.

Can’t Find What You’re Looking For?

We strive to cover all possible needs, but if you don’t see the specific service you’re looking for, don’t worry! Just send us a message. With our extensive network and community connections, we just might know the perfect person to meet your needs. At John Barton Insurance, we're always here to help you connect with the right professionals.


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Mike Kestly


O (734) 483-6453  C (734) 646-9993

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